Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Speedpaint - Take 2

Woohoo! I did another one! This time, Lion King concept art takes center stage as inspiration. Important artistic technique put to work today: Lighting. Important artistic technique learned: Don't be shy about contrast, especially between lights and darks. I realized, looking back on this, definitely could've made my darks darker and lights lighter for a more dramatic distinction between light and shadow. I love the contrast of stormy dark and sunshine bright in this piece; reminds me a lot of the storms we get here in Florida. Acacia trees have such artistically pleasing shapes! More contrast with horizontal and vertical lines and shapes than most Western trees.

I eyeballed most of the colors for this piece! I only color-picked my two first colors just so I could get within the piece's palette range.

Lion King belongs to Disney. Screenshot not mine.
Photoshop. One brush. One layer. TO RULE THEM ALL.