Saturday, August 4, 2012

Master of Ceremonies

Working on some character designs for a short film for school. Yup, I'm not in school and I'm doing schoolwork. And I love it. I get to draw and spend my spare time (if any) in the most Magical Place on Earth!

 And I kinda like the idea of this guy having a toupee. It probably flies off his head randomly.
As an added bonus feature, here are some silhouettes of a long, spindly, bird-like fellow I'm working on.


  1. Burton-esque curly toes! I love the MC's shape! He looks like he'd be fun to animate.

    1. Yes! All sorts of squashing and stretching and fun bouncing and toupee flying! He will be the most fun to watch.

  2. P.S. The MC guy is for your flying short, right? Hey, in the unofficial and nonexistent sequel (ooh, fan fiction, anyone? >:} ) he could figure out a way to fly that's powered by his flighty toupee! And he would WIN!

  3. YESSSS! Direct-to-video sequel! His toupee is actually a tiny propeller! I can hear the sound of Sir Hiss in "Robin Hood" when he's flying in the balloon...
    Oh, and yeah, this guy is one of many character designs for the film :)
