Saturday, January 21, 2012


Still doing film work! The story takes place on the edge of a canyon where a giant plume of clouds rise. I need to work on the clouds some more, but those rocks were super fun to paint! And I got to use all those photos I took from Arches and Canyonlands National Parks as reference (hence why I stuck an arch on the horizon). It's great being able to paint something that I've had some experience with; makes it all the more real when I paint it. That's why it's important to get out there and be inspired from the real world: Your art will breathe a whole new life!

Here's where my inspiration came from! This was taken from the end of the Island in the Sky plateau of Canyonlands. The Park is divided into three "districts" by the Colorado and Green Rivers that run through the canyons. This is looking into the Maze district, which is only accessible with 4-wheel drive with extreme off-roading. It's a convoluted set of canyons that used to be a hideout for a lot of bandits and thieves, including Butch Cassidy. Island in the Sky is easily the most accessible district and most visited, while the Needles (off-screen to the left) is a little less accessible, but not as crazy as the Maze.

Now you know (hopefully) more about Canyonlands then you did before you read this post!
